



What do you want for Christmas? Good question.  But here’s an even better one.  What does God want to give you for Christmas?  This season we are looking at how God meets our core longings and needs. This series is not just about exchange of information – it’s about experiencing God’s fullness in a whole new way!

What are we really looking for? And what do we really need? These are not selfish or overly introspective questions. In fact, the more we understand what we need and how God and His community meet those needs, the less likely we are to look in inappropriate places to meet those needs. After all, they are called needs for a reason.

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What do you want for Christmas? Good question.  But here’s an even better one.  What does God want to give you for Christmas?  And one step further – what does God want from us?  As we continue looking at how God meets our core longings, today we look at a great gift exchange: our burdens for His assurance of safety!

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Every one of us has a desire to be seen and heard by God and by others. We want to be known and understood. It’s a hardwired need. And that’s what Pastor Jack is exploring in this inspirational message.

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Did you ever feel as though God just isn’t paying any attention?  Especially when he sees your struggles but nothing seems to be changing? That’s what this message of encouragement is all about!

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There’s a difference between having a promise of everything you need and actually having access to it.  So how does God meet our need for access?  That’s what this message is all about.  Plus, a big dose of access to joy in the process!

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Is doubt ever a good thing? And can doubt ever be linked to peace? Yes, and yes! Pastor Jack explains, all while showing how God can meet our core need for affection.

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2022 has been a tough year for many of us.  And some may be burned out or discouraged.  We all feel that way at times.  And for those who feel that way, (and even for those who don’t), Pastor Jack has two words: get ready! Here’s a message for you filled with hope, purpose, and a look at where we are heading!

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