



Sexuality is often the least talked about subject in the church. And at the same time, it is one of the most needed discussions for today’s world. Unfortunately, the church has earned the reputation for being irrelevant on the topic. But we can do better! This series is an open and honest call to normalizing the conversation of sexuality, truth and compassion.

Every human being has a need to know and be known, both by God and by others.  In this foundational message, Pastor Jack lays out how both spirituality and sexuality factor into how we seek to have those needs met, why Satan is so intent on plotting against us, and the importance of understanding God’s plan of redemption for all of it.

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As Pastor Jack continues exploring God’s redemptive plan for spirituality and sexuality, he looks at the very core of that plan: covenant. This week we look specifically God’s covenant with us, and how it is foundational to all that we are.

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As Pastor Jack continues looking at our deep need for connection, today is all about friendships, and why God created us to need them.

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And yes, we do mean sex.  In this message, Pastor Jack offers a positive and biblically sound understanding of both the beauty of and spiritual principles of sex, and why it’s important for us to know.

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Rest.  We all need it. But getting it is another story.  What keeps us from entering into true rest? And why do we keep doing what we don’t want to do?  Those two questions are actually related. Pastor Jack explains and offers some answers to both!

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