



As it turns out, it’s impossible for the atmosphere to change without a storm. But how we weather atmosphere-changing storms depend on the story we tell ourselves while they rage on. In this series, Pastor Jack will cast fresh vision for Lake Effect Church, give clear biblical perspective on weathering this current storm, and show how to come through the other side as true followers of Christ, ready to be part of a changed atmosphere.

The Journey from Inadequacy to Purpose

Is inadequacy part of your story?  Whether in career, relationships, abilities, self-image, or any other area of life, everyone experiences inadequacy. But what changes in our story when Jesus calls us to be His disciples, and we choose to follow Him?  This message on the journey from inadequacy to purpose will offer biblical encouragement and perspective for finding meaningful purpose as followers of Christ.

Jesus, Do You Care What’s Happening?

So, if we’re honest, most of us have asked God why He’s letting storms rage on around us. We may even have accused Him of not caring about what we’re going through.  Can these storms possibly produce good?  And, even if they do, were they worth going through?  If you’ve felt that way in the past or are feeling that way now, this message is for you!

Following Jesus to the Garden

Did Jesus really struggle with disappointment and discouragement like we do?  Were His challenges and temptations anything like those we face? In this message, Pastor Jack takes an honest look at Jesus’ humanity, how He dealt with the deepest agony He faced on earth, and what we can learn about our own victory and wholeness by following Him into the garden.

How to Count Joy

James says to consider it joy when we suffer trials of all kinds.  Really?  What can he possibly mean by that?  Is he asking us to buck up or to ignore our suffering?  Is he saying we should lie about having joy until we talk ourselves into believing it? Not at all! Pastor Jack explains how this passage is not so much a command as it is a promise – as well as a challenge to take an honest look at our trials and what they produce.

When God Interrupts

So, we all deal with FOMO from time to time.  The “fear of missing out” can lead to all kinds of anxiety, worry and poor decisions. But, why?  After all, doesn’t God have a wonderful plan for your life?  Well, that’s what Pastor Jack is talking about in this message.  This is one you won’t want to miss out on!

We’re Not Finished Yet!

This week is about answering some big questions, like – Why did Jesus come to Earth? Who was Jesus saving us from? Why did He get so angry in the Temple? What does all of this have to do with the vision of Lake Effect Church?  Is today a significant day for Lake Effect? (Wait. What?)  Join us!

The Helper

Discouragement has this way of creeping into our lives and, often without us even noticing, rearranges our perspective and priorities. And when that happens we often do things that we probably would not have done if we were not feeling so discouraged.  So, what should we do in times of discouragement?