



Every person has a story, and a life-giving church needs to be a safe place where you can share, process, and become transformed by God within a community of fellow Christ-followers.  

Are you ready for real honesty from the pulpit? Here it is! Pastor Jack Sytsema delivers an unforgettable message on same-sex attraction, a subject that has long been avoided by most traditional churches. Through this personal message, Jack hopes to normalize the conversation of human sexuality, and help all who have sexual struggles of any kind find a safe place to encounter Jesus and be surrounded by community.

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In part one, Pastor Jack openly shared his testimony of same-sex attraction. But, he’s married to Becky. Why? How does that work? Is it really what they want? In this message, Jack and Becky continue their commitment of vulnerability as they answer these and other questions, giving you a front-row view into their mixed-orientation marriage.

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As we continue looking at making church a safe place for all, Pastor Jack takes a look at the woman caught in adultery and the beautiful lessons we can learn from how Jesus responded to her.  And for all of us who have been “caught in the act” of sin, (which includes, well, all of us) that’s really great news!

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Do you believe you are important? Do you believe you have a voice? Are you valuable? Desired? Included? Loved? Do you really matter? Instead of feeling loved, many people feel like they are only tolerated. Instead of feeling loved, many walk around as traumatized version of themselves. And that raises a really good question. Why is that so hard for people to feel loved and valued?  This message is all about a compassionate look at these questions and the heavenly war going on over your image — or rather, the image you bear.

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