



What does it mean to be encountered by the Holy Spirit?

What does it mean to be encountered by the Holy Spirit? This week Pastor Jack begins taking a look at what the Bible says and what you can expect (spoiler: it’s a whole lot more than just book learning!)

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What does it mean to be encountered by the Holy Spirit?  Join us for part two of this series. This week Pastor Jack reflects on God’s instruction to Joshua and the Israelites to Get Ready.

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The gift of tongues is one of the most misunderstood, misused, ignored, avoided and controversial topics in the Bible.  But what does the Bible actually say about it?  This week, Pastor Jack gives a balanced teaching sure to bring biblical perspective and understanding.

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Powerful boldness is gentle at its core.  So, what does that mean? Pastor Jack will be taking a close look at what boldness is, how gentleness fits in, and why we need an encounter by the Holy Spirit to make any of it effective.

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