



In this important series, Pastor Jack Sytsema teaches on the core of the Christian faith and salvation.  Building sermon on sermon, this series presents Christianity in fresh and sometimes unique ways.  If you are newly saved or just checking things out, this series will give you a thorough understanding of God and His rich plan of restoration regardless of your past.  If you have been in church your whole life, this series will add a richness of understanding to your faith.

If you only check out one series this year, make it this one!

Part 1: God is Holy, Just, and Gracious Creator of All Things7.1.18

Why did God really banish Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden?(Spoiler: It wasn’t because He was angry.) Why was the creation of humanity different from everything else God created? Why is racism stupid? Pastor Jack explains this and much more in the first of this important, foundational series. If you’ve ever wondered if God really loves you, take the time to hear this sermon!

Part 2: Created by God, Corrupted by Sin7.8.18

In Part Two of this foundational series, Pastor Jack Sytsema teaches a compassionate but truthful message on the sinfulness of humanity. Using the story of Cain and Able, he shows how the progression of sin can overtake anyone, yet how God’s mercy endures.

Part 3: Jesus Alone is Able to Remove Our Sin and Restore Us to God7.15.18

In part 3 of this foundational series, Pastor Jack Sytsema talks about Jesus — How He lived the life we could not live, how He died the death we deserved to die, and how He conquered the enemy we could no conquer. He then shows us, through the life of Noah, how God redeems.

Part 4: We Can Be Reconciled to God Through Faith in Jesus7.22.18

Part 4 of this foundation series: Using the illustration of the Philippian jailer, Pastor Jack Sytsema shows how we can be reconciled to God, even in our darkest and most hopeless moments.

Part 5: Because We Are Justified, We Are Adopted Into the Family of God7.29.18

In part 5 of this foundational series, Pastor Jack Sytsema looks at justification and adoption and what they really mean. He then draws out a beautiful illustration of adoption taken from Philip’s encounter with the Eunuch in Acts 8.

Part 6: We Are Sanctified When We Are Living According to God's Plan and Design for Our Life8.5.18

In the final part of this foundational series, Pastor Jack Sytsema defines sanctification and identity in Christ. He gives a poignant visual illustration showing how the enemy works to attach false labels to us. He then shows how the Lord, through the process of sanctification, can replace those labels with our true identity.